Poems of Isaac for Rosh Hashanah 5779

Photo: Mendy Hachtman/ Flash90

Next week, from Sunday night until Wednesday at sunset, we celebrate Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year. This year, Marcela focuses on the figure of Isaac, son of Abraham, because the Torah readings for both days of the holiday focus on Sarah’s conceiving and giving birth to Isaac, Hagar’s banishment into the desert, and also on the binding of Isaac on Mount Moriah.


Amir Gilboa, “Isaac,” translated by Arieh Sachs in The Modern Hebrew Poem Itself, ed. Stanley Burnshaw, T. Carmi, et. al.
“Sarah Laughed Again,” and “Isaac in Reverse” from Twenty Girls to Envy Me. New and Selected Poems of Orit Gidali, translated by Marcela Sulak. University of Texas press, 2016.
“Hagar” by Yocheved Bat-Miriam, translated by Zvi Jagendrof, in The Defiant Muse. Hebrew Feminist Poems from Antiquity to the Present. Ed. Shirly Kaufman, et al. The Feminist Press, 1999.


Avinu Malkeinu by Barbara Streisand
Avinu Malkeinu (feat. Maria Katz) by Andrey Makarevich & Евгений Борец
Avinu Malkeinu by Lior

Previous Rosh Hashanah Episodes:

2017 https://tlv1.fm/israel-in-translation/2017/09/20/fear-and-glory-rosh-hashanahs-unetanneh-tokef/
2016 https://tlv1.fm/israel-in-translation/2016/09/28/hava-pinhas-cohen-poems-for-the-month-of-elul/

Poems for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

2015 https://tlv1.fm/arts-culture/2015/09/16/blowers-to-the-shofar-souls-to-the-firing-line/

Free admission to Rosh Hashanah

2014 https://tlv1.fm/arts-culture/2014/09/17/rivka-miriam-on-asking-forgiveness-israel-in-translation/

Haim Gouri’s Piyyut for Rosh Hashanah

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