A Modern Orthodox rabbi’s struggle against Israel’s religious establishment – Journeys



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“Kafka himself couldn’t have made this up,” says Modern Orthodox Rabbi Dr. Seth (Shaul) Farber, the founding director of ITIM, an organization that helps Israelis and/or Jews navigate Israel’s substantial religious bureaucracy.

In opposition to Israel’s Orthodox establishment, Rabbi Farber strongly supports civil marriage; Jewish life, he says, is essential for the future of the State of Israel, and alienating people from it may be disastrous in the long term. 


Yonatan Razel – Vehi Sheamda
The Beatles – Yesterday
Simon & Garfunkel – Sound Of Silence
Yehuda Poliker – Le’an At Nosa’at (Where Are You Going)
Naomi Shemer – Lu Yehi (Let It Be)


Photo: Israelis dress as brides and grooms as they protest in support of the Civil Union Law outside the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, October 2012. Credit: Yoav Ari Dudkevitch / Flash90.

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