An Israeli left-wing rabbi: Not a contradiction in terms – Journeys


Despite this summer’s hostilities, former MK and minister Rabbi Michael Melchior is still convinced that Israeli-Palestinian peace is within reach.

“If we build it the right way,” he says, “and Hamas are included in a package that will include justice for the Palestinian people, they will be willing to go along with peace.”

Rabbi Melchior was the leader of Meimad, a religious left-wing political party. It ran in alliance with the Labor party until 2009, and since his departure from the Knesset Rabbi Melchior has been involved in numerous civil society initiatives.

Unlike many in Israel’s predominantly secular peace camp, Rabbi Melchior claims that religion is a crucial element for peace-making.

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Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – Keli Ata

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Photo courtesy of Rabbi Michael Melchior.

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