Impersonality Disorders

Eviatar Zerubavel, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Rutgers University, discusses his new book “Don't Take It Personally: Personalness and Impersonality in Social Life”

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The “Remembering Zachariah” Edition

703 IDF soldiers have fallen since October 7th. Each was an entire world. This is a small bit of the story of one of them, Zachariah Haber

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Early Israel’s ‘Emotional Regime’

Prof. Orit Rozin discusses her new book “Emotions of Conflict: Israel 1949-1967,” analyzing the efforts of the Israeli establishment in the 1950s and 60s to control the people's emotional response to the impending sense of insecurity

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The “Desperately Seeking Sumpin’” Edition

We discuss: 1) New polls showing that, if elections were held today, Israel’s next PM would be Naftali Bennett 2) How and why war is making the most secular Israelis more secular, and less-secular-Israelis less secular

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TLV1 Podcasts

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A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society and culture through the Hebrew language.

An inside view of how Israel can warm your heart and make your blood boil. It’s a show by three folks who live in and love Israel even though it drives them crazy, and who each week discuss the latest in Israeli politics, culture and society.

In-depth, long-form interviews with scholars, writers and thinkers about their work and ideas that make up the debate in and about Israel.

Exploring Israeli literature in English translation. Host Marcela Sulak takes you through Israel’s literary countryside, cityscapes, psychological terrain and the lives of the people who create it.

A showcase of the amazing talent and range of Israeli musicians, past and present. Host Samuel Green features the latest music playing on Israeli radio.

An evening (and a podcast!) of people sharing true stories for an audience and hearing about each others’ adventures or misadventures while sipping a beer and pondering life in Israel.

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Founded in 2013, TLV1 is an English-language podcast network based in Tel Aviv. Our acclaimed shows engage local and international audiences on topics in Israel that matter, whether from street-level or the hallways of government.

Our podcasts are produced and recorded in the TLV1 studios located in Tel Aviv, a city which represents Israel’s progressive voice and is its cultural barometer. Each month, listeners from over 210 countries and territories, residing in more than 10,500 cities around the world, log on and tune in.