Photo by Zipa Kempinsky

How do we say “I want to improve my Hebrew” in Hebrew? How about “improvements”? And what’s the connection to the popular supermarket chain Shufersal? Guy explains on this episode of Streetwise Hebrew.

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New Words and Expressions:

Leshaper mashehu – To improve something – לשפר משהו

Ani rotse leshaper et ha-ivrit sheli – I want to improve my Hebrew – אני רוצה לשפר את העברית שלי

Nehagim matkinim shipurim – Drivers install improvements – נהגים מתקינים שיפורים

Tse’irim she-meshaprim et bitsua ha-mechoniyot – Young people who improve the performance of the cars – צעירים שמשפרים את ביצוע המכוניות

Ha-ikar she-harechev shelahem yihiye hachi meshupar – The main thing is that their car will be the most improved – והעיקר שהרכב שלהם יהיה הכי משופר

Ha-mechoniyot she-shupru – The cars that were improved – המכוניות ששופרו

Shupar – It was improved – שופר

Girsa meshuperet – Improved version – גרסה משופרת

Telefon meshupar – An “improved” mobile phone – גרסה משופרת

Matsavo mishtaper – His situation is getting better – מצבו משתפר

Lehishtaper – To get better – להשתפר

Ha-ivrit shelo mamash hishtapra – His Hebrew has really gotten better – העברית שלו ממש השתפרה

Hu shiper et ha-ivrit shelo – He improved his Hebrew – הוא שיפר את העברית שלו

Shapir (Aramaic) – Good – שפיר

Gidul shapir – Benign tumor – גידול שפיר

Shapira – “The Good” (Aramaic) – שפירא

Shufra deshufra – Creme de la creme – שופרא דשופרא

Shufersal (Old name: Shufra-sal) – Name of a supermarket chain – שופרסל


Playlist and Clips:

Meshaprim mechoniyot (TV2)

Matsavo mishtaper (Kan TV)

Ambassador Dan Shapiro

Shufersal commercial

Shufersal – History

Gazoz – Cafe Ba-tahtit (lyrics)

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Photo: Zipa Kempinsky

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