Getting Personal with Hebrew’s Impersonal

‘Eich omrim be-ivrit?’ means ‘how do you say in Hebrew?’. Today Guy explains the impersonal in Hebrew. What linguistic tools do we have to say generic things about everybody and anyone?

New Words and Expressions:

Guf stami – The Impersonal (gramm.) – גוף סתמי

Matchilim me-chadash – Starting anew – מתחילים מחדש

Lo ichpat li – I don’t care – לא אכפת לי

Ma omrim alai – What they say about me – מה אומרים עליי

Eich omrim “wi-fi” be-ivrit? – How do you say ‘wi-fi’ in Hebrew? – ?איך אומרים ויי-פיי בעברית

Yesh Dvarim she-lo osim – There are things you shouldn’t do – יש דברים שלא עושים

Lo ochlim lifnei she-shotfim yadayim – You don’t eat before washing your hands – לא אוכלים לפני ששוטפים ידיים

Lo no’alim sandalim al ha-garbayim – You don’t wear sandals on your socks – לא נועלים סנדלים על הגרביים

Nish’arim ba-bayit, nish’arim ba-chayim – Staying at home, staying alive – נשארים בבית, נשארים בחיים

Lo me’archim, lo mit’archim – You are not to host others, you are not to be hosted by others – לא מארחים, לא מתארחים

Lo yot’sim le-picnicim – You shouldn’t go out on a picnic – לא יוצאים לפיקניקים

Playlist and Clips:

Omanei Israel – Matchilim Me-chadash

Noa Kirel – Medabrim (lyrics)

Tzlil Mechuvan – Yachol Lihyot She-ze Nigmar (lyrics)

Ha-tikva 6 – Ha-ivrit Ha-chadasha (lyrics)

Omer Adam – Yesh Dvarim She-lo Osim (lyrics)

Misrad Ha-bri’ut – Nish’arim ba-bayit, staying at home

Ruben’s accent course –

Ep. 161 – Omrim

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