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The Hebrew word בישול means cooking, but it is also used on the football field and in police investigations. Interesting, right?
Read MoreThe Hebrew word בישול means cooking, but it is also used on the football field and in police investigations. Interesting, right?
Read MoreThe Hebrew word העברה (ha’avara) means a transfer of something or someone, usually from one place to another. The transfer could involve money, digital files, and even… football players!
Read MoreThe Hebrew word להעביר is a verb we use a lot. It helps us pass our fare in the מונית שירות, forward emails, transfer money, and even nudge our significant other to change the TV channel
Read MoreWe pick up from where we last left off with the Hebrew root ע.ב.ר. And in this episode, we focus on verbs from binyan paal
Read MoreThere is a lot of ground to cover with the Hebrew root ע.ב.ר., so we will dedicate the next few episodes to it. This episode is all about its nouns
Read MoreAfter the terrible tragedy in Har Meron, public calls to find those responsible, האשמים, grow louder. In order to better understand what’s going on in Israeli media, Guy felt it was necessary to cover the shoresh אשמ
Read MoreThis episode is all about the location of the stress we place on spoken Hebrew words and names, and what happens when we shift that emphasis around. Guy explains why the way Israelis and Americans say “Mazal Tov” differs so greatly
Read MoreThis is the 4th and final episode dedicated to the root ק-ד-מ. How do we say, “right of way,” “unprecedented prices” and the “Pre-Eurovision contest” in Hebrew?
Read MoreBelieve it or not, we Israelis aren’t always running late. Some of us even tend to arrive ahead of schedule. Yes, you read that right. We even have a special verb which means ‘to arrive ahead of time’
Read More“Hey! Check out my Facebook page, and my Twitter, oh, and my TikTok account, and don’t forget my Instagram page.” In Hebrew this is called קידום עצמי, self promotion. Guy explains words and phrases related to promotion, all derived from the root ק-ד-מ
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