“Reckless Love”: Poems by Raquel Chalfi

All of Israel celebrated Purim on Sunday, and Monday in Jerusalem. In honor of the festival, host Marcela Sulak reads Raquel Chalfi’s work from the recently published collection Reality Crumbs, translated by Tzippi Keller.

Here is an excerpt from her poem “Reckless Love,” Blues:

“I was a little reckless,
he was a little reckless
in a cheap cafe on the eve of Purim,
everyone around us with the face to the TV up on the wall.
He broadcast to me on a high frequency.
I wanted to broadcast low-low but it came out high. I was a little reckless, he was a little reckless.”

For information about Chalfi, listen to when she was featured on the podcast once before in 2015.

Reality Crumbs by Raquel Chalfi. SUNY Press, 2015.

7 Years – Lukas Graham – Violin cover by Daniel Jang
Lost Boy – Ruth B – Violin cover by Daniel Jang

Producer: Ariella Plachta
Technical producer: Tammy Goldenberg

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