Polish mother or Jewish mother? What does Ima Polanyia mean in contemporary Hebrew?


Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode

New Words and Expressions:

Ima Polanyia – Polish Mother – אמא פולנייה

Polania ze kan – Poland is here – פולניה זה כאן

Lo, al takum, be’emet shelo tsarich – No, don’t get up, there’s really no need – לא, אל תקום, באמת שלא צריך

Polaniyut – “Polishness” – פולניות

Tafsik lihyot polani – Stop being polish – תפסיק להיות פולני

Playlist and Clips:

Facebook page of Gveret Dubrovski

Facebook page of Polania Ze Kan

Dudu Fisher – A Yiddishe Mame (lyrics)


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