Kombina is one of the most salient features of Israeli society. In order to survive in this country, one needs to fend for oneself, using all possible means: Contacts, resourcefulness and creative ideas. Some Israelis say we are even ‘Medinat Kombina’, a ‘kombina’ state. So how do you use this word, and how can you even turn it into a verb?

New Words and Expressions:

Kombina, kombinot – Connections, shady business – קומבינה

Kombinator – A person with a shady business; Someone who knows how to ‘get by’ – קומבינטור

Tizaharu she-lo tekablu shi’ur be-kombina – Make sure you don’t get a lesson in kombina – תיזהרו שלא תקבלו שיעור בקומבינה

Ta’ase kombina – Use your contacts; Be resourceful – תעשה קומבינה

Kimbanti alcohol – I got the alcohol ‘somehow’ – קימבנתי אלכוהול

Lekamben – To get something using tricks and connections – לקמבן

Lehitkamben – To sort yourself out; to sit pretty – להתקמבן

“Eich hitkambanta al ha-mechonit ha-zot” – What did you have to do in order to get this car? – איך התקמבנת על המכונית הזאת

Playlist and Clips:

Axum – Kombina (lyrics)

Tamir Kimchi & Eyal Mazig – Medinat Kombina (lyrics)

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