Elohim means God in Hebrew. Why does it have a plural suffix at the end? Is it really plural in Modern Hebrew? How do we use elohim in Israeli slang, and what did we borrow from Arabic?

New Words and Expressions:

Elohim – God – אלוהים

El, Ela – God, Goddess – אל, אלה

Elohim adirim – God Almighty – אלוהים אדירים

“Elohim natan lecha be-matana” – God gave you, as a present… – אלוהים נתן לך במתנה

Elohim gadol – Nobody knows – אלוהים גדול

Elohim yodea – Only God knows – אלוהים יודע

Yow, elohim – Oh God – יואו אלוהים

Ein lecha/lach elohim – You don’t care, huh? – אין לך אלוהים

Ani nishba be’elohim – I swear to God – אני נשבע באלוהים

Be-elohim – I swear to God – באלוהים

Be’elohim, ani lo yodea – I swear, I don’t know – באלוהים, אני לא יודע

Ze me-elohim – It’s a godsend – זה מאלוהים

Min allah – From allah – מאלוהים

La-allah – Very – לאללה

Ani ayef la’allah – I am really tired – אני עייף לאללה

Haya kef la’allah – It was really fun – היה כיף לאללה

Elohi – Divine – אלוהי

Elohut – Divinity – אלוהוּת

“Elohai ad mati” – My god, until when? – אלוהיי, עד מתי

Playlist and Clips:

Oshik Levy – Ze Mikvar (Lyrics)

Eitan Massuri – Elohim Natan Lecha Be-matana (Lyrics)

Matsav Ha-uma TV Show

Rockfor – Ein Lecha Elohim (Lyrics)

Yuval Perry – Isha Satan (Lyrics)

Pita Crunch – Commercial

Zehava Ben – Tipat Mazal (Lyrics)

Uzi Hitman – Ratsiti She-teda (Lyrics)


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