How do you say I’m tired, beat, drained, knackered, and the like in colloquial Hebrew? And what do you say when you crash on a Tel Avivi couch?

New Words and Expressions:

“Lifamim ani ayef” – Sometimes I am tired – לפעמים אני עייף

Ayefoot – Tiredness – עייפות

Ani ayef me’avoda – I am tired of work – אני עייף מעבודה

Ani ayef me-ha-chayim – I am tired of life – אני עייף מהחיים

Ayef met – Dead tired – עייף-מת

Ani shafuch – I am wiped – אני שפוך

Katav-katuv – Wrote-written – כתב-כתוב

Nishpachti al ha-sapa – I crashed on the sofa – נשפכתי על הספה

Ha-halon niftach – The window was opened – החלון נפתח

Ha-halon patu’ach – The window is open – החלון פתוח

Ani ma’uch tilim – I am so wiped – אני מעוך טילים

Lim’och – To mash – למעוך

Nim’achti kstat al ha-sapa – I crashed a bit on the sofa – נמעכתי קצת על הספה

Kamti hafuch ha-boker – I got up completely turned around this morning – קמתי הפוך הבוקר

Kamti hafucha , kamti me’ucha – I got up completely turned around (F.) – קמתי הפוכה

Kamnu hafuchim ha-boker – We got up completely turned around (Pl.) – קמנו הפוכים

Ani gamur – I am beat – אני גמור

Ani machuk – I am dead tired – אני מחוק

Ani karu’a me-ayefoot – I am exhausted – אני קרוע מעייפות

Ani mutash – I am exhausted – אני מותש

Lenaker – To doze off – לנקר

Nikarti kol ha-seret – I dozed off the whole movie – ניקרתי כל הסרט

Playlist and Clips:

Rami Kleinstein – Hanichi Li (lyrics)

Yossi Elephant – Shir Ha-debil (lyrics)

Moshe kam ma’uch

Fortisaharof – Hafuch (lyrics)

Episode no. 285 about karu’a

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