You probably know that אוכל כשר means kosher food. But did you know that כשר also means fit, valid, or reliable? And what does the verb להכשיר mean, and how is it all related to talent? Guy explains.

New Words and Expressions:

Kasher – Kosher, fit, valid, reliable – כשר

Mashehu po lo kasher – Something is a bit dodgy here – משהו פה לא כשר

Kashrut – Kosherness – כשרות

Teudat kashrut – Kosher(ness) certificate – תעודת כשרות

Mashgiach kashrut – Kosher(ness) inspector – משגיח כשרות

Kosher – Fitness, ability, capability – כושר

Madrichat kosher – Fitness instructor – מדריכת כושר

Chadar/Machon kosher – Fitness center – חדר/מכון כושר

Kosher bituy – Articulation – כושר ביטוי

Mishehu im kosher bituy – An articulate person – מישהו עם כושר ביטוי

Kosher gufani – Fitness – כושר גופני

Kosher sichli – Mental ability – כושר שכלי

Kashir – Capable – כשיר

Kashir la-avoda – Fit to work – כשיר לעבודה

Haya li kisharon gadol – I had a big talent – היה לי כישרון גדול

Kishurim – Qualifications – כישורים

Pitu’ach kishurim chevratyim – Developing social skills – פיתוח כישורים חברתיים

Kishurim – Links – קישורים

Lehachshir – To render something kosher, to train, to prepare, to authorize – להכשיר

Lehachshir mivne she-kvar nivna – To “kosherize” a building that has already been built – להכשיר מבנה שכבר נבנה

Hechsher – “Kosherizing,” authorization – הכשר

Hachshara – “Kosherizing” meat; training – הכשרה

Hachshara miktso’it – Vocational training – הכשרה מקצועית

Huchshar – It was kosherized, authorized; he was trained – הוכשר

Ha-basar muchshar be-rega ze – The meat is being kosherized right now – הבשר מוכשר ברגע זה

Anna muchsheret, hamon potentsial – Anna is talented, (she’s got) a lot of potential – אנה מוכשרת, המון פוטנציאל

Muchshar, muchesheret – Talented – מוכשר, מוכשרת

Playlist and Clips:

Imun kosher male (full fitness workout session)

Yossi Banay – Ahava Bat Esrim (Lyrics)

Pituach kishurim hevratiyim

Ha’im efshar lehachshir mivne

MK Shelly Yechimovitch on hachshara miktso’it

Mashina – Anna (Lyrics)

2 comments on “How to Keep Your Hebrew Kosher

  1. Marc Skelton says:

    Shalom Guy,
    The Maccabiah 2022 is right around the corner. While the games are about unity and athletic harmony, they are also about competition. Within the spirit of the game is trash talking. As a member of the 45 plus USA mens basketball team I would love to hear an Streetwise Hebrew trash talking episode; phrases I’ll hear and could use on the court. Toda Raba.

    1. Guy Sharett says:

      Great idea, Marc. We’ll add it to the list.

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