English has ‘like’ and ‘kinda’. What do Hebrew speakers use as fillers? And what did we borrow from Arabic? Guy explains.
New words and expressions:
Em – Umm – אֶם
Achshav ani margish – Now I feel – עכשיו אני מרגיש
Ke’ilu lo yode’a klum – As if I know nothing – כאילו לא יודע כלום
Ke’ilu (kilu) – As if – כאילו, כילו
Zot omeret (ztomeret, stomeret) – It means – זאת אומרת, זתומרת, סתומרת
Az – So, then – אז
Ya’ani – Like, As if (arabic) – יעני
Ya’ani, yaa’nu – Like – יעני, יענו
Be-kitsur, hakitser – To cut a long story short – בקיצור, הקיצר
Kiviachol – So to speak, allegedly – כביכול
Ani mechabedet ota – I respect her – אני מכבדת אותה
Playlist and clips:
Dafni Liff interview (Hinuchit TV)
Shlomo Artzi – “Hi Lo Yoda’at Ma Over Alai” (lyrics)
Meir Ariel – “Shoef Le-efes” (lyrics)
Why can I not open those programs which are meant for patreons though I am a patreon? Do I do anything wrong?
Why can I not open those programs which are meant for patreons though I am a patreon? Do I do anything wrong? I would like to know.
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