If We’re Quarantined, Then Let’s Do It in Style

Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

The Hebrew word בידוד, quarantine, will likely be the word of the year. So it’s only appropriate that Guy discuss its root, ב.ד.ד, and cover some of the Hebrew words derived from it, like isolation, insulation and solitude.

Ruben’s Pronunciation Course: https://tlv1.fm/happy6


Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode


New Words and Expressions:

Ani be-bidud ba-bayit – I am in quarantine at home in Shanghai – אני בבידוד בבית

Hesger – Quarantine – הסגר

“Ne’elatsim lehikanes le-bidud” – We have to get into quarantine – נאלצים להיכנס לבידוד

“Ve-im kvar bidud, az she-yihye be-style” – If it’s already quarantine, it should be with style – ואם כבר בידוד, אז שיהיה בסטייל

“Anachnu mevudadim me-ha-olam” – We’re isolated from the world – אנחנו מבודדים מהעולם

“Aval yesh lanu et ha-teva shelanu” – But we have our piece of nature – אבל יש לנו את הטבע שלנו

“Mevudadim” – People who are in quarantine – מבודדים

Bayit mevudad – Isolated house – בית מבודד

Levoded – To isolate – לבודד

Bidud – Isolation, quarantine, insulation – בידוד

Hu/hi be-bidud – He/she is in quarantine – הוא/היא בבידוד

Anachnu nichnasim le-bidud – We’re getting into quarantine – אנחנו נכנסים לבידוד

“Bidud hamisha kochavim” – Five star quarantine – בידוד חמישה כוכבים

“Ein psharot ba-bidud, ze hayav lihyot barur” – There is no compromise in quarantine, it has to be clear – אין פשרות בבידוד, זה חייב להיות ברור

Badad (flowery) – Alone – בדד

“Levad, al ha-gag, shabatot ve-hagim” – Alone, on the rooftop, on weekends and holidays – לבד, על הגג, שבתות וחגים

“Mi-bdidut ha-anashim hofchim kashim” – Because of loneliness people become difficult – מבדידות האנשים הופכים קשים

Mishehu margish boded – Someone feels lonely – מישהו מרגיש בודד

Hayal boded – Lone soldier – חייל בודד

Ee boded – Desert island – אי בודד

Gerev boded(a) – Lonely sock – גרב בודד/ה

Boded – Alone, single – בודד

“Hayo haya panas boded” – once upon a time there was a single streetlight – היה היה פנס בודד

Kartis boded – Single ticket – כרטיס בודד

Notru kartisim bodedim – There are only a few tickets left – נותרו כרטיסים בודדים

Lehitboded – To isolate oneself – להתבודד

Hitbodedut – Seclusion – התבודדות


Playlist and Clips:

Lehikanes le-bidud – KAN TV

Ein psharot ba-bidud

Zohar Argov – Badad (lyrics)

Yehudit Ravits – Shabatot Ve-hagim (lyrics)

Ktsat Acheret – Shir Bein Arbayim (lyrics)

Hayalim bodedim

Gerev bodeda

Ha-tarnegolim – Panas Boded (lyrics)


Previous Episodes


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4 comments on “If We’re Quarantined, Then Let’s Do It in Style

  1. Margret Pegg says:

    My Hebrew is only embryonic, but I am eager to learn le’at le’at. Thank you! 🤟

    1. Guy Sharett says:

      Happy you like the show!

  2. Shan says:

    I saw Rotem Sela uploaded a song to instagram maybe about quarantine too. Can you check and explain what they are singing?

    1. Guy Sharett says:

      Thanks for this.
      Here is the link:
      You’ve got the lyrics in Hebrew on the screen. Feel free to contact me if you have trouble with some of the sentences.

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