Take Some Initiative!

Photo: Zipa Kempinsky

The Hebrew word יוזמה means initiative. We also use יוזמה when talking about new educational or social projects. Using the verb ליזום, we Israelis often give unsolicited advice to family, friends, and even passersby, telling them to take some initiative in their life!

New Words and Expressions:

Yozma – Initiative – יוזמה

Ein lo yozma, hu hasar yozma – He lacks initiative – אין לו יוזמה, הוא חסר יוזמה

Ein la yozma, hi hasrat yozma – She lacks initiative – אין לה יוזמה, היא חסרת יוזמה

Yesh lo/la yozmot – He/she has got projects – יש לו/לה יוזמות

Yozma hadasha – New initiative – יוזמה חדשה

Yozma hevratit – Social initiative/project – יוזמה חברתית

Yozma ezrachit – People’s initiative – יוזמה אזרחית

Yozma hinuchit – Educational initiative – יוזמה חינוכית

Yozma mevorechet – Welcomed initiative – יוזמה מבורכת

Shel mi ha-yozma ha-zo? – Whose initiative is this – של מי היוזמה הזו

Eize yozma meula – What a great initiative – איזה יוזמה מעולה

Yozmat ha-shalom – The peace initiative – יוזמת השלום

Yazam – Entrepreneur – יזם

Yazam/yazemet  hi-tech – Hi-tech entrepreneur – יזם הייטק

Yazam sidrati/yazemet sidratit – Serial entrepreneur – יזם סדרתי, יזמת סדרתית

Mifgash yazamim – Entrepreneur meetup – מפגש יזמים

Yazamoot – Entrepreneurship – יזמוּת

Merkaz yazamoot hadash – New entrepreneurship center – מרכז יזמוּת חדש

Lizom – To initiate – ליזום

Aba, mi yazam, ata o ima? – Dad, who made the first move, you or mom? – אבא, מי יזם, אתה או אמא

Ata yazamta, o she-hi yazma? – Did you (m.) initiate or did she? – אתה יזמת או שהיא יזמה

At yazamt o she hu yazam? – Did you (f.) initiate or did he? – את יזמת או שהוא יזם

Tizom, ata tsarich lizom! – You (m.) should initiate – תיזום, אתה צריך ליזום

Tizmi, at tsricha lizom! – You (f.) should initiate – תזמי, את צריכה ליזום

Meizam, meizamim – Project, projects – מיזם, מיזמים

Proyektor, menahel/menahelet proyektim/meizamim – פרוייקטור, מנהל/מנהלת פרוייקטים/מיזמים

Playlist and Clips:

Natan Goshen & Gil Wein – Ba-olam Ha-ze (lyrics)



Ep. no. 80

2 comments on “Take Some Initiative!

  1. GD Rothenberg says:

    You frequently mention past episodes as a reference for things connected to the current show. However, I can’t find an easy way using a computer to find episode 12, for example. There’s a ton of scrolling which becomes impractical. Am I missing something? My second comment is whether there is a total list of the Hebrew root words that you’ve covered, or do I need to copy and paste them into a document?

    BTW, I love the podcast.

    1. TLV1 says:

      Good question, GD! Whenever we reference a past episode, we link to it in the show notes and on the website post. Like on this episode, in the post on which you commented, we have a link to “Ep. no. 80.” These links will always be listed below the other clips we showcase. Just let me know you see it under the “Playlist and Clips.”

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