So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
What other ways are there to say ‘goodbye’ in Hebrew, apart from the ubiquitous, yalla bye?
Read MoreWhat other ways are there to say ‘goodbye’ in Hebrew, apart from the ubiquitous, yalla bye?
Read MoreIsraelis love to indulge in the circular “how-are-you-how’s-it-going-what’s-new” conversation chain, so it’s important to become proficient in this verbal dance.
Read MoreWhat’s happened to Hebrew-speaking romantics in these days of Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter? How do they convey their feelings in 140 characters?
Read MoreOn this episode, we explore the root of the word ערב, which means evening, and explain what it’s got to do with Western movies. Plus, why wasn’t Miley Cyrus willing to say the name of a famous Israeli TV show host?
Read MoreYaffe means ‘beautiful,’ but the noun yofi – ‘beauty’ – is used in Modern Hebrew to mean ‘Great!’
Read MoreWe Israelis may not be the most polite people in the world, but from time to time even we say “I’m sorry” and “excuse me.” How do you say it in Hebrew?
Read MoreIsraelis are obsessed with their head, ראש, in Hebrew. There are so many words and expressions with ראש, and today we talk about a few of them. Have a listen and find out what ראש גדול and ראש קטן mean
Read MoreCoffee culture is everywhere in Israel. How do you ask for a cappuccino to go, the Tel-Avivi way? And what’s הפוך דל? Here’s your short Hebrew language manual for all you coffeeholics
Read MoreThe Hebrew phrase, למה מה קרה, can be literally translated as, “why, what happened.” What do we mean by this expression and how do you use it?
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