Jerome Bourdon, a professor of communications at Tel Aviv University, explains the evolution of the peoplemeter and why it’s still such an important tool.
Hear an excerpt from Kashua’s novel ‘Second Person Singular,’ which examines the identity of Arab Israelis who have assimilated into mainstream Israeli culture.
When Ayla Adler, a teacher at the University of Michigan, was 40 years old and mourning the death of her brother’s baby, she had a sudden, unexplained desire to visit Israel.
TLV1’s Lissy Kaufmann visits the Kishle, a building adjacent to the Tower of David in Jerusalem’s Old City, now open to the public after years of excavation.
The Hebrew word דווקא does not have a direct English translation. Sometimes it means “actually”, at other times it means “particularly.” So what does the saying לעשות דווקא (to do a דווקא) mean?
The popular play The Wave, with its message against prejudice and fascism, arrives in Israel. British director Paul Stebbings discusses the kind of impact he’s hoping for.
Children’s book, Mulu and Tsagai, is based on the stories of Eritrean and Sudanese refugees and it helps Israeli kids think differently about asylum-seekers.