Some Israelis say we are a ‘Medinat Kombina’, a ‘kombina’ state. So how do you use this word, and how can you even turn it into a verb?
Read MoreIn Hebrew, צוהריים means noon and אחר הצוהריים means afternoon. But the actual afternoon hours, the ones we Israelis think of as afternoon, may be completely different than your own. So what do we mean when we say, “call me in the afternoon”? Guy explains
Read MorePeople say that Israelis can come across as rude. Are we simply too direct? Contrary to popular belief, there are ways to be courteous in modern Hebrew.
Read MoreWhat Hebrew language teachings can we pick up from documentary TV series “Mishpachot,” by the Heymann Brothers? The series is composed of five Israeli families who utilize many different layers of the language
Read MoreToday, I’ll give you a few tips: how to improve your accent and pronunciation in Hebrew. There are many things you can do on your own, at home
Read MoreThe word סחבק comes from Arabic and means “your friend.” So what’s its meaning when used in Hebrew? And what’s סחבקייה?
Read MoreIn Hebrew, the default form is the masculine form. But what happens when a navigation application speaks to women as if they were guys?
Read MoreThe word כבר, meaning “already,” has so many functions in modern Hebrew that we decided to dedicate an entire episode to it.
Read MoreTihye bari means “be well”. When do we use it, and what are the other ways to sign off a message in Hebrew?
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