Streetwise Hebrew

Have You Been Working Out?

What Hebrew words and phrases do you need to know when looking for a new gym? How do we say fitness trainer, and what time is the best time to go to a gym?

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Exposing the Truth

The Hebrew word לחשוף is commonly used by archaeologists, journalists, dermatologists and… strippers. What does it mean? Guy explains

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You Don’t Want to Mess With Me

There are people you don’t want to mess with, and there are things you shouldn’t do because they’re a hassle. How do you say all this in Hebrew? Well, you’d use the עסק root, of course!

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The Deal of a Lifetime

In Hebrew עסקים means business. Today, Guy talks about the root עסק and introduces other nouns we should know. Bonus: What do you do when you see an unfamiliar transaction in your credit card statement?

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Best Served Warm

The Hebrew word להגיש is a verb with several different meanings. Food, university papers and TV shows — these are all things we can להגיש

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My Sweetie Pie

In Hebrew, מתוק means sweet or sweetie. You might also hear מתוק used passive-aggressively by a person standing in a Tel Avivi line

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World Cup Hebrew Lingo

You’re home watching one of the most important football games in the world cup. Suddenly, your team goes on the offensive. What Hebrew words and phrases do you shout in order to help bring them to victory?

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I’m Warning You!

The words להזהיר and אזהרה are used to warn someone of something or someone. We have many expressions with אזהרה, including the saying, רְאו הוזהרתם

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Be Careful!

How would you warn a friend who is about to be hit by an electric bike speeding on the sidewalk? We would shout, !זהירות

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Show Me the Money

How could it be that we still didn’t dedicate an entire episode to the Hebrew word כסף, money? Let’s correct that wrong. Guy explains the slangy term for someone who is “loaded” with cash, and will also teach a special ‘blessing’ directed towards someone who stole from us

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