Israelis are playing it tough most of the time. ​How do you ask an Israeli to do something for you?​ Here are some ideas on how to make your message come across, without sounding too bossy, which might wreak havoc in the Middle East.

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New Words and Expressions:

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Efshar – Possible – אפשר

Efshar lekabel mapit? – Could I have a napkin? – אפשר לקבל מפית

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Efshar mapit? – Could I have a napkin? – אפשר מפית

Efshar espresso aroch – Could I have a long espresso? – אפשר אספרסו ארוך

Ata yakhol latet li mapit vaksha? – Could you give me a napkin please? – אתה יכול לתת לי מפית בבקשה

Ata yakhol ledaber ita? – Could you talk to her? – אתה יכול לדבר איתה

Ata yachol ledaber ita? – Could you talk to her? – אתה יכול לדבר איתה

Tuchal / tuchli / tuchlu lehagi’a machar ba’erev? – Could you make it tomorrow in the evening? – תוכל/תוכלי/תוכלו להגיע מחר בערב

Tuchli lavo be-eser? – Will you be able to come at ten? – תוכלי לבוא בעשר

Yesh matsav she titen li t’oto sh’kha? – Is there a way you’d give me your car? – יש מצב שתיתן לי ת’אוטו ש’ך

Ata ba la-mesiba machar? Yesh matsav – Will you come to my party tomorrow? Perhaps. – אתה בא למסיבה מחר? יש מצב

Yesh matsav she-tazmin eize pizza? – Can you order a pizza or something? – יש מצב שתזמין איזה פיצה

Ba lecha laasot et ze achshav? – Do you feel like doing this now? – בא לך לעשות את זה עכשיו

Ba lach lekalef et ha-avokado? – Do you feel like peeling the avocados? – בא לך לקלף את האבוקדו

Playlist and Clips:

Arik Einstein – Hen efshar (lyrics)

Arik Einstein – Don Quixote (lyrics)

Ha-saruf – Kol Ha-yom Sababa (lyrics)

Ep. no. 10 about politeness in Hebrew

Ep. no. 23 about the imperative

Ep. no. 123 about kavanu

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