Photo: Guy Sharett

Especially these days, it’s important to keep on smiling and to try and stay optimistic. Guy explains how to smile in Hebrew.

New Words and Expressions:

Hiuyooch male shinayim – A smile full of teeth – חיוך מלא שיניים

Hiyoochim mezuyafim – Fake smiles – חיוכים מזוייפים

Raper/it – Rapper – ראפר/ית

“Toda, he’eleta hiyooch al panai” – You brought a smile to my face – העלית חיוך על פניי

Lehaalot hiyooch al pnei mishehu – To bring a smile to someone’s face – להעלות חיוך על פני מישהו

“Mefazeret hiyoochim” – She spreads smiles – מפזרת חיוכים

Dofek hiyoochim – Flash smiles – דופק חיוכים

“Hu amar et ze be-hiyooch” – He said it smilingly – הוא אמר את זה בחיוך

Lehayech – To smile – לחייך

Hiyachti el mishehu/mishehi – I smiled at someone – חייכתי אל מישהו/מישהי

Hayech/techayech, haychi/techaychi, haychu/techaychu – Smile (imp.) – חייך/תחייך, חייכי/תחייכי, חייכו/תחייכו

“Hu yatsa mechuyach me-ha-pgisha” – He came out smiling from the meeting – הוא יצא מחוייך מהפגישה

Haychan – Someone who smiles a lot – חייכן

Yeled haychan / yalda haychanit – A smiley child – ילד חייכן, ילדה חייכנית

Playlist and Clips:

Eden Hasson – Eich At Ohevet

Adi Agai & Maor Ashkenazi – Hiyuchim Mezuyafim 

Nasrin Kadri – Afa Alav

Yitzhak Klepter – Yoshev Al Ha-gader (lyrics)

Ep. no. 53 about how to say smiley

Ep. no. 172 about dofek, knocks

Ep. no. 183 about pipi

Ep. no. 285 about hilarious

Ep. no. 322 about laughter 

Ep. no. 323 about to laugh

How to link your Spotify and Patreon accounts

2 comments on “Keep On Smiling

  1. Carla Bronsgeest says:

    Thank you so much for the nice way you bring the hebrew to me, dear Guy, today you brought a smile to my face!
    Love from Holland!

    1. Guy Sharett says:

      Toda raba, Carla!

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