Streetwise Hebrew

Sex Words 2: Zayin

Guy teaches us more naughty words and reveals the unlikely connection between ‘friends with benefits’ and the Austrian composer Franz Schubert.

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How to Talk ‘Ceasefire’ in Hebrew

Everyone’s talking about הפסקת אש, ceasefire. Let’s get to know the word הפסקה (break) and other words in its family which come from the root פסק

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What’s the First Hebrew Word You Learned?

Shalom means ‘peace,’ ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ – it’s one of the most popular words in Hebrew, and the first one everybody learns

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Our Missile-Protected Room Is Called מָמָ”ד. What Does It Stand For?

מָמָ”ד is a protected room we Israelis got intimately familiar with during the operation in Gaza. What does it stand for? And we analyze the Hamas Hebrew propaganda song!

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‘It’s Not You, It’s Me’: Non-committal Hebrew

Guy Sharett takes us through how to say in Hebrew those non-committal phrases we all rely on from time to time

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Going, Going, Gone

Guy Sharett shows us how to make the most of the word ‘holech’ – ‘to go’ in Hebrew, and so much more

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How to Dump Someone in Hebrew

Lizrok means ‘to throw’ in Hebrew, but how is it used in relationship lingo? Oh, and who is the most famous ‘Varda’ in Israel?

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‘Yalla,’ Let’s Go!

We look at the Arabic word ‘yalla,’ one of the most popular words in Israeli slang. Come on, you know you want to!

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Sex Words in Modern Hebrew

The Hebrew language lay dormant for a very long while. When it reemerged from its slumber, we Israelis found ourselves without the right words for all things relating to sex. Just how serious is this problem? Quite serious. Guy explains.

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