
You’re in Our Thoughts

What can you write to your family and friends in Israel during these difficult days of war? What’s appropriate at this moment? Guy has some ideas

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Israel is at war. Guy explains the word מלחמה and others from the same root, לחמ, that we hear on Israeli news coverage

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I Need Some Self-Discipline

There are quite a few words in Hebrew, like משמעות (meaning) and משמעת (discipline), that are connected to the root שמע (to hear) even though it might not seem like it at first sight. Let’s go over some of these words together

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Animal Sounds in Hebrew

If you didn’t grow up in Israel, chances are you don’t know the sounds animals make in Hebrew, nor the verbs we use to describe them. Guy to the rescue

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We have many expressions with animals. Like, איזה חמור הייתי. Which ones can you use day-to-day and which ones can get you in trouble? Guy explains.

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Eat Your Vegetables

In Israel, the person who runs our neighborhood vegetable stall, the ירקן, is an important figure. Guy explains why

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Face to Face

The Hebrew word פנים means face, and on its face, an ordinary and simple word. But there’s more to it in spoken Hebrew, including little things about its proper use

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Who’s Putting the Kids to Sleep?

The Hebrew word להשכיב means, to put something or someone in a horizontal position. Read that sentence again and you’ll understand why this episode is not suitable for children

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Only the Finest Goods

The Hebrew word סחורה means merchandise. What does סחורה אלף-אלף mean? And how do we say drug trafficking and drug dealers in the language of the Bible?

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Shopping in Hebrew

Where do you go shopping? How do you pay? And what do we say to a friend who just bought something new? Guy explains shopping in Israel

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